The government is set to launch an online BRTA service portal very soon to provide hassle-free vehicle registration and driving license to people.

Currently, Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) provides the services but service seekers have been complaining about corruption, bribery and harassment against the authority for long time.

The new online system will eliminate such problems. Driving license and vehicle registration can be acquired through a Smartphone or a computer with internet connection from home.

The service will be implemented soon under A2I (Access to information) project of Prime Minister’s office.

The BRTC portal will include all service options for people. Applicants will have to fill up dedicated forms and receive confirmation about examination date for driving license or vehicle smartcard. Fees and charges can be deposited through i-payment such as Rocket mobile banking system. 

All technical works to launch the portal has been completed and pending for government decision.

BRTA assistant director (Engineering) Faruk Ahmed ‍said that the portal is being launched in a bid to provide services more easily to people. It will reduce hassle and eliminate the middle men from the process. All preparations have been completed and the portal will be launched within six months.

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